Tuesday, June 07, 2005

"Star Wars: Episode III"

While watching "Revenge of the Sith", I was struck by how similar the story was to reality. Here was an evil politician who manufactured a war (who only shows his true face to his enemies, whom he destroys soon after). After he does so, he gets selected Emperor.

Sounds like the bush regime.

Just some food for thought...


Proud Liberal Democrat


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I saw Episode III and was left with a lot of questions about why Lucas did what he did.

I guess that's how I feel about politics, too. "What the hell did you go and do that for?"

Again, though, you're ASSUMING the war was manufactured. I'm not going to make that leap based on insufficient evidence, just like I'm not going to make the leap that we went in for the right reasons based on insufficient evidence.

I just want us to fix what we screwed up, and to get the hell outta there. Right now, that seems to be the plan, but of course the figure heads in the adminstration are using vague language to describe, well, nothing that's actually going on (maybe it's what they HOPE to see).

I just felt like commenting on all your stuff. You probably recognize the email with the username on She Grew! and if not, I'm strawberryriddick.

Now I wonder what you think of my responses. If you read them as a "typical Republican who believes whatever she's told," then I wasn't clear enough or you weren't reading enough :)


Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger ProudLiberalDemocrat said...

w. made a mistake & US soldiers are dying for it. Probably for a long time, until we can get out of there.

I've always said, even before the war, that Iraq would be just like Vietnam, with more sand.

And that's exactly what it is... :(

Thanks again for commenting here. :)

I judge people on how they act. Not who their political party is.

I don't consider you a "typical republican".

I take things as I see them.

I do recognize you from the board.

Feel free to stop by, anytime. (:


Proud Liberal Democrat

Sunday, July 10, 2005 11:05:00 PM  

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