Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Illegal Immigration

I saw a picture in the paper the other day which struck me as very appropriate. It showed a counter-demonstrator holding a sign during an protest by illegal immigrants. The sign read: Keep Walking. Just 1800 miles Till You're Home.

I am a fair man, which means I do not support the recent law the US House passed, making it a felony to be an illegal immigrant. Being in the US illegally doesn't rise to the level of criminality, like crimes such as murder, theft, etc. does.

But illegal immigrants should NOT be in the US. They should be deported. If they want to live in the US, get in line like everyone else.

It's unfair to get rewarded for breaking the law, which is what the protesters seem to want.

I don't care if each and every hispanic person in US marches in the streets. It won't change the fact that illegal immigrants are still here illegally and should be deported.

There are two things that need to be done about illegal immigration:

1. Existing laws regarding employers should be enforced. Companies that hire illegal aliens should be penalized so they don't hire them.

If no jobs await illegal aliens, they won't come here.

2. The U.S. needs to help Mexico improve their standard of living & economy.

If Mexico's enconomy is healthy, illegal immigrants won't come to the U.S. for jobs.


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