Sunday, January 14, 2007

w.'s Speech Sounds A Lot Like Stay The Course...

Sending in 21k more troops sounds like what they did in the summer of last year & it didn't work then, either.

What makes w. think it will work any better now?

Why is w. suddenly trying this 4 years after he invaded Iraq?

This reminds me of a definition of insanity that I recently heard:

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over & over & expecting different results...

We need to get US troops out of Iraq now!

The neocons will tell you that if we leave now there will be much bloodshed.

To this I say: If we leave, there won't be any US blood shed (3,000+ dead at last count)
US treasure spent. ($1 billion/week)

And: Iraq belongs to Iraqi's. Whether we leave now or 200 years from now, Iraq will still belong to Iraqi's. That won't change.

If they want to kill each other, let them. If we pull out, the Iraqi government will miraculously do what it needs to do to stop the violence, give Iraqi's jobs & turn on the water & power. Because it will be the Iraqi's responsibility. They won't have the US to blame. Only themselves.

In the end, Iraqi's need to govern themselves.



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