Friday, June 17, 2005

The Mouth Of Sauron

A few minutes ago I watched a news story on CNN about the president's low approval ratings.

The played a sound bite of w. waxing philosophical about Medicare. Then Scott McClellan (aka "The Mouth of Sauron"), told some more lies to the press.

Which brings me to my point: since w. lied about the reason for going to war in Iraq (because Saddam supposedly had WMD. Turned out he did not), I can't believe anything he says.

So I don't listen to anything he has to say. Likewise, for anyone else in his regime, including Mr. McClellan).

I don't even read quotes of w. in the paper, anymore.

I'm just glad in 3 years, w. will be out of office, unable to hurt anyone else on such a large scale again... :(


Proud Liberal Democrat


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion, it's going a little overboard to assume someone is always a liar, and that all associated with him are always liars, simply because you THINK he lied to you before.

In this case, you THINK he lied about the WMDs. Now, now, I'm not saying they are THERE. I'm not saying that we DID go in for the right reasons (the right reasons being that Saddam was planning on attacking the US and its allies). I'm saying that there is not enough evidence either way. There are hundreds of WMD sites marked for inspection, but we have only checked 90. 90...yeah, you heard me. That means that we haven't even checked the majority of the sites yet, so really, there COULD be WMDs and you'd have to be jumping the gun a heck of a lot to assume that just because 90 had nothing (well, some had expired that's nothing I guess), the other hundreds will have nothing. That's not even playing the odds well.

I'm not saying that the administration, as well as British intelligence, did not lie. I'm just saying that there is evidence they did and there is evidence they did not. I'm not going to call someone a liar because I THINK he might lie to me, but I will certainly take all he says with a grain of thought.

Besides, you SHOULD read what W and his buds have to say if you disagree with him. That way, you can come up with reasoned arguments to present to W supporters about why W is lying.

I'm just glad in 3 years, w. will be out of office, unable to hurt anyone else on such a large scale again... :(
Regardless of the reasons for the war, I agree with this. He hurt a lot of people. At the same time, it's not just W that has done or will do this. We have to watch out for our presidents and REALLY be active in our selection and monitoring of future presidents. So many people are upset with the president, Democrats and Republicans alike, that I really and truly hope it will get more people interested in taking an active role in politics and really paying attention to what politicians well as actively trying to actually do something to support or remove support from the politician in question.

Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:36:00 PM  
Blogger ProudLiberalDemocrat said...

Before the war, w. said Saddam had WMD (he didn't).

w. said Saddam wouldn't allow Weapons Inspectors to go to Iraq (the inspectors were in Iraq as w. spoke).

Before the war, Weapons Inspectors didn't find WMD.

w. went to war, anyway.

After the invasion, no WMD were ever found, and the current US regime even said there were no WMD in Iraq.

w. lied to the American public about going to war with Iraq.

He should have been punished by being kicked out of office. Instead he was rewarded by being given the Presidency by his corporate cronies & rich political donors.

Over 1700 US troops were rewarded for invading Iraq by dying in vain.

And more die every day.

Because of WMD that were never there.

This is why there's no point in listening to anything w. has to say, because he lied.

It's very simple.


Proud Liberal Democrat

Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:48:00 PM  

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