Sunday, August 28, 2005

Jon Stewart RULES!!! :D

"[Clip of President Bush addressing National Guardsmen in Idaho]: 'Nineteen individuals have served both as guardsmen and as president of the United States, and I'm proud to have been one.' Ah, the first rule of public speaking - always start with a joke."
--Jon Stewart, on "The Daily Show" (

Monday, August 22, 2005

Cindy Sheehan is my hero! :)

How do you criticize a mother who has lost her son to the New Vietnam called Iraq?

If you do, at best you look stupid & at worst you look like an ogre.

But that's just what the righties are trying to do to Cindy.

But Americans know the truth: They know invading Iraq was a mistake. They know their chidren are dying in vain. They know Iraq never posed a threat to America & had NO connection to 9/11. They also know, rather than preventing terrorists from attacking the US, the Iraq invasion is CREATING terrorists so we are MORE likely to be attacked.

I'm glad Cindy stepped forward to say what needed to be said.


Proud Liberal Democrat

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

More Jon Stewart Funniness!

"Tuesday the Senate also voted to continue distributing a significant portion of security dollars equally among the states, rather than by likelihood of attack. Bad news for - I don't know - (New York). But good news for smaller states like Wyoming, which only has one high risk target - the popular tourist attraction: the world's largest pile of homeland security money."

- Jon Stewart