Thursday, September 29, 2005

Poor, Poor Mr. Brown

Former director of FEMA, Michael Brown (whose previous experience with natural distasters was as a commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association), seemed to blame everyone except himself for his colossal failures.

Pretty typical for a w. crony, don't you think?

Justice De-Layed

It seems that justice is finally catching up to "The Hammer".

About time...

I recall reading a while back about how he orchestrated the redistricting of Texas congressional seats so republicans would get a majority in the Texas congress.

At a time when w.'s failed policies & republican corruption seemed like they'd go on forever, it's nice to know the tide may finally be turning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Madame President

Yesterday, I heard much about the new ABC show "Commander In Chief", about a female president.

I wouldn't mind having a female president. As long as she was a Democrat...


Proud Liberal Democrat

Blaming Bush

At work today I overheard an interesting discussion. One gal was whining about how "everyone's blaming Bush for the hurricane". And a guy responded with a story about how an older customer came up to him & said Bush is to blame for the hurricane & don't try to argue with an old man!

w. is to blame for a great many bad things, but conjuring up hurricanes is not one of them.


Proud Liberal Democrat