Monday, March 30, 2009

The Truth Hurts

This is the cartoon by Pat Oliphant that is supposedly so offensive to the Anti-Defamation League.

Unfortunately for Israel, it is unerringly accurate. For 62 years, Israel has subjected Palestinians to inhumane treatment, reminiscent of what the nazis did to the Jews in World War II. It could be argued that Palestinians currently live in ghettos, like the Jews were in WWII.

I don't condone rockets being fired by Hezbollah into Israel, but the Israeli response in their brief war was unjustified.


Democrats are finally back in control of Congress. And we have a Democratic President!

YaY! :D

w. was never my president. But Obama is! :)

It seems like every time I turn on the news, he's doing something to get us on the right track, again. The most recent evidence of this was his overturning the government ban on stem-cell research (you know, the research that may someday find the cure for cancer, etc.)

I was listening to Mike Malloy on Air America, the other day & he had on a caller who sums up what I think: he said to disregard the republicans in Congress.

You know, the obstructionist bastards who destroyed the country for the last 8 years, along with w. Yeah, them. Just ignore them.

They have no plan, so just get out of the way & let the Democrats fix the mess w. & the republicans have made.