Monday, March 30, 2009

The Truth Hurts

This is the cartoon by Pat Oliphant that is supposedly so offensive to the Anti-Defamation League.

Unfortunately for Israel, it is unerringly accurate. For 62 years, Israel has subjected Palestinians to inhumane treatment, reminiscent of what the nazis did to the Jews in World War II. It could be argued that Palestinians currently live in ghettos, like the Jews were in WWII.

I don't condone rockets being fired by Hezbollah into Israel, but the Israeli response in their brief war was unjustified.


Democrats are finally back in control of Congress. And we have a Democratic President!

YaY! :D

w. was never my president. But Obama is! :)

It seems like every time I turn on the news, he's doing something to get us on the right track, again. The most recent evidence of this was his overturning the government ban on stem-cell research (you know, the research that may someday find the cure for cancer, etc.)

I was listening to Mike Malloy on Air America, the other day & he had on a caller who sums up what I think: he said to disregard the republicans in Congress.

You know, the obstructionist bastards who destroyed the country for the last 8 years, along with w. Yeah, them. Just ignore them.

They have no plan, so just get out of the way & let the Democrats fix the mess w. & the republicans have made.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

w.'s Speech Sounds A Lot Like Stay The Course...

Sending in 21k more troops sounds like what they did in the summer of last year & it didn't work then, either.

What makes w. think it will work any better now?

Why is w. suddenly trying this 4 years after he invaded Iraq?

This reminds me of a definition of insanity that I recently heard:

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over & over & expecting different results...

We need to get US troops out of Iraq now!

The neocons will tell you that if we leave now there will be much bloodshed.

To this I say: If we leave, there won't be any US blood shed (3,000+ dead at last count)
US treasure spent. ($1 billion/week)

And: Iraq belongs to Iraqi's. Whether we leave now or 200 years from now, Iraq will still belong to Iraqi's. That won't change.

If they want to kill each other, let them. If we pull out, the Iraqi government will miraculously do what it needs to do to stop the violence, give Iraqi's jobs & turn on the water & power. Because it will be the Iraqi's responsibility. They won't have the US to blame. Only themselves.

In the end, Iraqi's need to govern themselves.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Democrat Victory! :D

I was pleased to hear about the Democratic victory in the November elections. This means Congress will act on the behalf of the people instead of the rich & corporations.

There is much to do, including pressuring herr w. to withdraw from Iraq.

What a great pre-Christmas present to have Democratic control of Congress! Yay! :D


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

How To Stop Terrorists, 101

The first terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center happened in 1993, when Clinton was president.

As a result of this bombing, the FBI collected evidence, rounded up suspects, conducted fair trials & the terrorists are in jail right now.

THAT is how you stop terrorists.

You DON'T do it by torturing suspects, calling them "enemy combatants" & trying to avoid giving them due process under the law. It just doesn't work, as the supreme court recently ruled.

Why doesn't the bush regime want to put these detainees through the court system?

Fear, Itself

Today I heard a very interesting commercial on "Air America" radio.

It was a so-called public service message from Homeland Security. Funny how I didn't hear these ads until the November election got closer.

These disguised republican campaign ads feature kids asking their parents where to go in case of a terrorist attack.

First, republicans are telling us our kids aren't safe unless they vote republican. And they have the nerve to do it with a campaign ad disguised as a public service message.

The republican congress has FAILED its citizens in every way. So the only reason they can come up with to re-elect them is that if we don't, we'll have a terrorist attack?

Come on. The American people are smarter than that.

Let's vote out the republican nazis & get Democrats the majority in congress this November. Then we'll have some sanity in Washington.

Who Would Jesus Torture?

I heard that on "Air America" radio & liked so much I stole it. ;)

The republicans passed the torture bill recently. On "Air America" radio, Tom Hartman was talking about the bill. He said the supreme court would strike it down, as it's plainly unconstitutional, because it does away with habeas corpus.

Which means w. could declare any US citizen an "enemy combatant", imprison them indefinitely & not allow them to challenge their imprisonment.

We know that torture doesn't work. Victims being tortured will say anything just to get the torture to stop.

Do cops torture suspects? No, because they know the evidence produced would be inadmissible in court.

The same kind of evidence that would be allowed under the torture bill.

How would you like to be convicted by evidence that was gained by your torture?

Also, you won't be able to see the evidence against you, because the bush regime calls it "classified info".

Saturday, August 12, 2006

How To Create More Terrorists, 101 (Israeli Edition)

Let's say you're Israel. And Hezbollah fighters launch missiles into your northern cities after capturing two of your soldiers.

Istead of negotiating for their release, which you've done in the past & do a prisoner swap (Israel has about 9,000 Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, etc. prisoners & recently reportedly captured a few Hezbollah fighters), you murder HUNDREDS of Lebanese in the land of Lebanon, where the Hezbollah rockets were fired from, thus swelling Hezbollah's ranks & elevating their leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah.

Not only do you NOT gain the release of your two soldiers, but create even more hatred between Lebanon against Israel while Hezbollah continues to fire an average of 150 rockets into northern Israel each day.

That doesn't sound like a "winning" strategy to me...

Israel has done nothing but create more hatred & terrorists for later on.

There Is NO Connection Between 9-11 And Iraq!

I was talking to a nice lady at work. I asked her if there was a connection between 9-11 & Iraq & she said "yes". I asked her what the connection was. She said "terrorists". I didn't bother to ask her which terrorists were at work in Iraq prior ot 9-11 because there weren't any & there IS no connection between 9-11 & Iraq.

Even her fuhrer w. said there is no connection between 9-11 & Iraq.

And she has a son in Afghanistan. She said he was previously in Iraq. Apparently he was a gunner on a humvee. She said the tendons in his hands were pulled because of the constant firing of the machine gun, so he was operated on & sent to Afghanistan. She said he would be home for good next June.

I hope he makes home alive & in one piece...

The Iraq Mess

The righties would tell you if we left Iraq there would be "chaos"! How would you TELL? There's ALREADY chaos in Iraq! Iraq's problems were not created by the US, nor will they be solved by anyone but Iraqis themselves.

Our soldiers should not have gone there in the first place & it is time to send them home.

My Favorite Republican: Joe Lieberman

Joe's got to go!

I've made no secret about the fact that the latest Iraq war was doomed to failure. I was against the war before it began & I'm against it now.

Apparently, Sen. Joe Lieberman thinks the war was a good idea & still does. Because of that, I'm hoping Connecticut voters send him home for good in November.

Lieberman & every House & Senate Democrat who still thinks the war is a good idea do not deserve to be in Congress & should be voted out accordingly.

The bush regime has got to take Americans seriously and end the Iraq war. We know we shouldn't be there. Let's get out.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Even More Funniness!

"Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was the world's most unhinged lunatic. He's now dead, so that movies Ann Coulter up to first place."

--David Letterman, on the "Late Show" (

Some Funniness!

"According to Secret Service logs, convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff was at the White House only two times in the past five years. Of course, the real question is: Was it the same two times that President Bush was there?"

--Tina Frey on "Saturday Night Live" (

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

NSA Spying On America: Stopping Terrorist Plots? Or Not?

Recently on Air America radio, I heard an audio clip of CNN's "Situation Room's" Wolf Blitzer interviewing republican Senator Bill Frist about the NSA spying on Americans. Wolf asked if in the five years since it began, has the NSA spying prevented any terrorist plots?

Naturally, Sen. Frist didn't answer. Wolf pressed the point, asking if even one terrorist plot had been prevented. Frist didn't even answer that one. Which proves Frist is a pathetic repubican loser, who knows the NSA spying on Americans has no value, beyond spying on w.'s political enemies (you know, Quakers & such).