Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Victory For Gays!

If a nation with a Roman-Catholic majority like Spain allows same-sex marriage, there's hope for other nations, too (like the U.S., hint, hint).


Proud Liberal Democrat


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's hope for other nations, but no hope for the Catholic church. Read this:

Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, wait, was it that Spainish officials allowed gay marriage, or that it was put to a vote by what you call a Roman-Catholic majority? And how many of this majority are practicing Catholics?

Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So being homosexual is a sin?

I disagree.

Being homosexual is something you ARE, not something you CHOOSE."

Firstly, the jury is still out on homosexuality being a choice. Yes, it's true that there are some people who *might* be actually born gay, but there are many accounts of victims of childhood rape BECOMING gay, so it really makes it hard to determine.

As for it being a sin and disagreeing, you are not using the same terms here. I'm not asking you if you think it's morally right or anything, I'm speaking strictly Biblically here since you say that this was a Roman-Catholic majority so they would claim to be following the Bible. According to the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, homosexuality is laid out as a sexual sin.

You personally may be absolutely okay with it. It might be legal to get married in certain parts of this country, maybe the entire country some day. But this is not what we are talking about. I'm am strictly speaking about Roman-Catholics and the Bible. If you are going to argue how it is not a sin, since we are using the Bible you must prove otherwise WITH the Bible. This isn't about your personal opinion, this isn't about MY personal opinion, either. I'm saying that as ROMAN-CATHOLICS, it's strange for them to vote in homosexual marriage because Roman-Catholics follow the Bible and in the BIBLE it is laid out as a SIN. That's my argument. Not my personal opinion.

This is also not part of my argument: "Explain how gay marriage could possibly cause harm to anyone?"

I can reply to that if you would like, but as I said, it's not part of the argument. I'm talking about how Roman-Catholics SPECIFICALLY could vote in something that THEY BELIEVE is a sin.

Monday, August 22, 2005 6:10:00 PM  
Blogger ProudLiberalDemocrat said...

OK, you win.

But you haven't changed my mind about 2 things:

1. Being gay is not a sin

2. There is no harm if same-sex couples want to get married.

Hope that clears things up.


Proud Liberal Democrat

Monday, August 22, 2005 11:07:00 PM  

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